You send 'em out, I'll knock 'em down...the reviews just keep coming folks, and today I'm happy to present to you the Roar Vapor liquid review. They're a vendor located out of Tennessee, offering quality hardware with tantalizingly good juice to boot. Well packaged in quality plastic bottles, brandishing awesome logo work (a t-rex, really? that's just sweet!) AND taste great to boot...we've got another winner! Let's get to it!
I've decided to omit the inhale/exhale, as it's typically subjective, and usually entirely dependant on the setup you're running. It wouldn't be truthful to say juice A is devilishly sweet at .3ohms, only to disappoint somebody running a standard 1.6-2.4 ohm coil.
Flavor: A delicate dance of peach and cream, culminating in a pleasurably sweet, yet decadently rich, vape. With a name like Peach Ecstasy, I anticipated a very flavorful peach blend, but was quite surprised. I must say though, the peach does take a backseat to the cream, as it is both dominant on the inhale and exhale. The peach notes are detectable to the palate, just not as powerful.
Aroma: If you've ever had a peaches and cream lifesaver, the smell is near identical.
Throat hit and vapor production: 6mg is a pretty comfortable level to drip, not to mention creamier juices usually don't pack a wallop. Decidedly mellow, but definitely their in it's own stride. As far as vapor, I don't know if I wrapped perfect microcoils today, but I'm using a .3 ohm dual coil build and I am getting dense, heavy FOG, not vapor!
Overall impression: Peach ecstasy is most definitely rich in flavor, and overall very decadent. For those who enjoy a nice cream base, you'll be right at home here. I was hoping for a bit more peach in the mix, but it doesn't detract too much from the overall flavor. I'm giving this juice a solid 4/5.

Aroma: Fresh strawberry.
Throat hit and vapor production: The throat hit is very mild, not harsh at all. Vapor is a tad wispy, but to be expected from a juice absent of cream/dessert flavoring.
Overall impression: Pretty impressed, to be honest. The strawberry is so natural tasting, I'm tempted to try a base strawberry liquid. It is in my experience that strawberry is a difficult liquid to perfect, but they have it down pat. The green apple is a nice touch, and it's nice to know that it isn't as strong as the strawberry. If you're looking for a sweet, somewhat tart juice, get on it! 5/5! (We're on a roll..)
Flavor: This liquid is definitely magical! An intriguing fruit variety, I pick up cherry, blueberry, and grape tones. It manages to be sweet without compromising the flavor profile, shrugging off even the slightest hint of artificial/perfume/soap like taste. It's a peculiar flavor to be sure, and definitely a different vape for everybody.
Aroma: Smells very much like a cherry, but the actual vape tastes so much more complex.
Throat hit and vapor production: Even at 6mg, this juice hits like a truck! It compliments the taste well, though, if it was any weaker it wouldn't work so well. Very airy, wispy vapor.
Overall impression: Trickery is afoot, that's for sure. This is definitely one of the more inventive liquids I've had, and it is quite a pleasure to vape throughout the day. Would recommend to all looking for a pleasant fruity mixture. 4/5!

Aroma: A curious infusion of lime and sweet watermelon.
Throat hit and vapor production: The throat hit is veyr light, do doubt about it. I think the sweet, tangy taste would get lost in translation had it hit any harder than it does. Vapor is relatively wispy, doesn't form clouds as well as other juices, that's a mere observation, not a gripe.
Overall impression: Anything that can take me back to the good 'ol days has a special place in my heart, with the added bonus of it actually being GOOD! If you're searching for a fruity, tangy juice, and want a blast from the past, pick this juice up,.. now! 5/5!
Flavor: The website description states this take on RY4 is a sweeter blend, a mix of caramel and vanilla, with earthy tones. I've got to disagree here, 'cause this juice is straight up nutty. It is unfortunately one of the weaker RY4 blends I've had, comparable to the Chinese version. It's a weird mixture of caramelized tobacco and burnt nut, quite harsh, and just overall not something I could vape.
Aroma: Smells very tobacco like, earthy if you will.
Throat hit and vapor production: Harsh throat hit and light vapor production. Bit too harsh for my tastes.
Overall impression: Though it is well known I am not a tobacco enthusiast, I have came across a bottle or two of RY4 that I liked. Unfortunately due to the oddly roasted nut taste, as well as harsh throat hit, I simply can't revisit this juice. 1/5

Aroma: Smells as you'd expect butterscotch to smell!
Throat hit and vapor production: Another mild dessert throat hit, with incredibly dense vapor.
Overall impression: Not a bad juice by any means, just a tad heavy on the buttery/creamy side. I prefer a slightly sweeter taste when using butterscotch, but I am sure others reside on the opposite side of the spectrum. While not a total disappoint, it just barely missed the mark. 3/5.

Aroma: Smells like a pear and coconut juice infusion.
Throat hit and vapor production: The throat hit is quite punchy, chalking it up to the light cream. Oddly enough, the juice produces some ridiculously dense vapor. Those who prefer to subohm, you will be a walking, talking chimney in NO time.
Overall impression: Another infusion I have yet to try, Roar Vapor definitely hit the nail on the head with this one. It's equal parts coconut, pear and cream, with neither flavor clashing with the other. I could definitely vape this all day long. 5/5!

Throat hit and vapor production: In my opinion, menthol juices always hit hard. Your mileage may vary, depending on your aversion to mentholated juice. Vapor production is quite modest.
Overall impression: This is a tasty juice, but does get a bit old after a while. It's a juice I like to use to cleanse the palate during an extended sampling session. Definitely not bad, and has potential to be an all day vape for somebody. 3/5

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As always, vape strong and live FOREVER! I long.
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