Oh yeah. Today, I'll be going over the ZampleBox, both as a service, and juice provided.
The day my ZampleBox arrived, I was ecstatic. I had no idea what to expect. I looked up YouTube reviews, browsed forums, and noticed a ton of satisfied customers. Frantically rushing inside, I ripped into the package, and was absolutely blown away.
First, my order was very well packaged. A ton of bubblewrap surrounded my box of liquid, offering peace of mind knowing my order will be safe in transit. Tucked away in a little green box, are two felt baggies, each containing 5-6 bottles of a variety of e-liquid. Alongside the liquid, are coupons and business cards for the various vendors, each offering varying discounts and specials.
The liquid I received ranged from Peach Lemonade (NicQuid), Heist (AlphaVape), Santeria (AlphaVape), Strawberry Fields (RocketFuelVape) Mysteriously Deep (Clevervape), amongst others. Right off the bat, the 44.99 price point was done a great justice, considering I got 11 bottles, with the aforementioned being priced at
Peach Lemonade - 8.19 + shipping
Mysteriously Deep - 8.99 + shiping
Heist - 12.00 + shipping
Santeria - 12.00 + shipping
Strawberry Fields - 6.50
Those five bottles alone would total 47.19, (plus) applicable shipping fees. So, essentially, the remaining six bottles are free!
The service is simple.
You visit ZampleBox, and click the "get started" tab. Once there, you will complete a brief four question "flavor profile", so that the team can better service your preferences. The profile is rather simple, consisting of
How would you best describe yourself? Beginner, intermediate, advanced?
Your ZampleBox will include a delicious hand selected assortment of flavors of the best vaping liquids on the market. Are there any flavors that you do NOT want to receive? Here, you can choose to omit tobacco, menthol, both, or select "Send me everything."
Would you like us to include exclusive coupons in your ZampleBox so that you can save when you purchase more of the e-liquids that you love? Yes, or no? These coupons essentially pay for the service itself, as some can be as high as 50% off!
Would you like to only receive e-juices that are made with USA made ingredients? Yes or no? Preference, really.
Once this is completed, you're required to choose a subscription.
The "Gold" Zamplebox includes
120-150ml of e-liquid at 44.99
The "Standard" Zamplebox includes
60-90ml of e-liquid at 24.99
No need to do the math to tell that this is a quality deal, people. Even if every bottle was 5.00, the "gold" box essentially provide you with two+ free bottles, and the "Standard" 1-3+ free bottles!
The process was extremely fast, my order shipped the very next day (they tend to, if placed early enough) and arrived in about 3 days. From WA to AZ, especially considering two of those days fell over the weekend, that is some snappy shipping speed.
They are offered in 0, 6, 12 and 18mg increments.
After selecting your tier and nicotine level, you complete the payment process. Did I mention shipping is included? Not to mention...their is no annual contract! The charge is recurring, (taking) place on the date you purchased the box, but subscribers are free to cancel at any time!
Zample partners with a multitude of reputable vendors, such as NicQuid, Johnson Creek, Golden Drops, Cyclops Vapor, and more!

To sum it up, ZampleBox is a shot in the dark that manages to hit it's mark, believe it or not. With the ability to sample a wide range of liquid, cancel at any time, and potentially stumble upon a vendor you love, there is no better place to go than Zample!
I'd like to personally say, it has been a great pleasure dealing with the company. You can tell they're ia team who truly has a passion for their craft, and the industry they're apart of. From the way they communicate, to the quality liquid they select, down to the beautifully packaged box of delicious liquid, it is absolutely wonderful dealing with a company that truly values their customer base. With that in mind, I'd like to bring you the top three liquids I am positively enamored with!
Genesis(by seducejuice)
Flavor: This liquid is absolutely bursting with flavor. I can't even begin to describe what I taste, I get mango, citrus, licorice, with an absinthe twist. I am not big on absinthe flavors, but it is quite mild, as this juice is dominated by the mango/licorice combo. It may sound crazy, but this is a flavor NOBODY should miss. Personally, my new all day vape!
Aroma: A delightful infusion of citrus and licorice.
Throat hit: Slightly on the heavy side, but definitely compliments the flavor.
Overall: This liquid is magical. I seriously have never had a tastier liquid, nor one that managed to nail a variety of flavors without compromising the overall taste. Get yourself a bottle NOW. 5/5
Flavor: This liquid is a conumdrum, as they tout they're "As confused as you are." I pick up hints of fudge, cake, butter, and macaroon. It's a very, very decadent dessert vape, sure to please all who are a fan of the blend.
Aroma: Sweet, buttered fudge.
Throat hit: The throat is no mystery, it is powerful!
Overall: Another wonderful liquid, toying with a variety of flavorings, at a great success. If you're a fan of chocolate dessert type liquid, this will definitely not disappoint. Not to mention it comes in a very nice glass bottle! 4/5
Jamican Sunset (by Vaporhut) 50/50
Flavor: A tropical explosion of flavor, with pineapple and peach being at the forefront of the vape. A very, very fruity sweet liquid, retaining an organic quality. It's a hard liquid to put down, as every vape just exudes tropical sweet fruit flavor.
Aroma: Pineapple, with a hint of lime.
Throat hit: Incredibly smooth, this liquid is definitely meant to be tasted!
Overall: A fantastic tropical liquid, sure to please any fruit fan. Get over to vaporhut now, as no review could do this liquid the justice it deserves. 5/5
I'd like to personally thank Tony, Chris, and all those at ZampleBox that make this subscription service possible. Your genorosity is held in high regard and you've definitely found yourself a subscriber. I'd like to ask all my readers to get over to ZampleBox and give them a shot. At 44.99, you're able to sample a wide variety of liquid, of a more than generous amount.
Get in touch people!
Vape Strong and Live Long!
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