As promised, this is the second half of my Northwest Vapor n review. Today, I'll be going over sixteen (!) liquids and, for the most part, I am overly satisfied. I've found quite a few I will purchase in the future, which is always a great thing. As always, each liquid contains nicotine, pg, vg, and natural flavors/artificial flavors. Let's get to it!
I'll be experimenting with yet another template today..trying to find what works best!
12 MG
Flavor: Very similar to the candy, which is a good thing. It has more of a chalky taste than sweet, though it is enjoyable. It is comparable to similar juice, however the distinct chalk like test sets it apart.
Aroma: Very candy like, as if you're smelling the actual candy. The scent is sweeter than the juice which I found a little odd, considering it wasn't replicated during the actual vape. The scent of the vapor let's the candy-esque aroma linger, which I found lovely.
Inhale: A bit sweet, but definitely not as sweet as the scent.
Exhale: Chalky, with a light sweetness on the back end of the vape.
Throat hit & vapor production: Sweet Tart has a very clean throat hit, with airy vapor. It isn't dense at all, even dripped. It's wispy, even. Pretty neat.
Overall impression : It is a nice replication of the sweet tart candy, melding the chalk like taste and sweetness all into one pleasurable vape. I would like to see the option to sweeten it just a bit more. Overall it is something I could definitely vape throughout the day without feeling the need to switch out. 4/5
Flavor: A very distinctive blueberry taste dominates the overall flavor profile. I get a hint of cream, but not much more. I anticipated a flavorful mix of blueberry, crust, and cream, however it seems to lack in the dessert department.
Aroma: An interesting scent; I do pickup the blueberry and cream, but it wasn't what I would imagine. It is a bit dull to the sense, not bad, but definitely lets you know it won't be as sweet as you might think.
Inhale Very organic, actually. You get the ripe, semi-sweet blueberry taste. It isn't sweet, but it isn't flavorless, either. It's a touch hard to describe, but you can definitely make out the blueberry.
Exhale: This is where you get a hint of cheesecake. I'd liken it to a dull cream custard. Don't expect the taste you'd get from your standard cheesecake flavoring, as it is actually a light cream taste.
Throat hit & vapor production: Very mild. The vapor is quite thick, as typical of a dessert flavor.
Overall impression: I might have set the bar too high for this particular juice, as it sounded like an end all, be all liquid. I hoped for a delicate mix of cheesecake and blueberry but I cannot fault them, as I'm sure it's a delicate taste to replicate. It is not a bad juice by any means, but it isn't something I would use often. I'll give it a solid score, if only because it does nail the blueberry taste, and the light cream doesn't detract from the flavor. 3/5
Flavor : This juice is a definite conundrum. It is a mild tobacco based juice, with less than subtle hints of caramel and vanilla. I pick up an almond note as well, proving that the sum of it's parts more than rounds it out as a whole. It is sweet, but not overly so; as it manages to hold on the light smokey tobacco taste. Definitely a favorite!
Aroma: Caramelized tobacco. Yummy!
Inhale : It's always different! One instance could be tobacco, the other, tobacco and vanilla, followed by a caramel and nut taste.
Exhale: Almond vanilla greatness, with the tobacco taking an odd backseat. If you did not tell me that this was an RY4 blend, I'd never guess it was tobacco, period.
Throat hit & vapor production: Despite the taste bud trickery, it has a sharp throat hit. Not overwhelmingly punchy, but definitely noticeable. Vapor production is rich and thick.
Overall impression : I am 100% satisfied with this juice, and considering I am not much of a tobacco enthusiast...the kayfun 3.1 has seen two tank fulls of this juice! For all you RY4 aficionados out there, this juice is a sure hit. And for those on the fence, relentlessly searching for the perfect tobacco juice... I'd recommend none other than the Northwest Vapor R4. 5/5
Flavor: A dull cream taste. I get little orange, if anything, it is a very faint note both on the inhale, and exhale.
Aroma: Well, it sure smells like an orange creamsicle...
Inhale: But sadly, it tastes like .. cream. I have a bit of trouble describing the flavor, imagine an orange creamsicle. You take a bit, you're happy, and you notice the cold cream taste. I liken the inhale to that, the "cold" cream taste. Pretty let down.
Exhale: A very slight orange taste, with that cold cream again. Falls flat, unfortunately.
Throat hit & vapor production: Dense vapor, as a expected, with a mellow throat hit.
Overall impression: This juice was a letdown. I would not call it a bad juice, but it missed the mark and did not live up to it's potential. It is so lacking in the orange department, that it is hard to be anything but disappointing. I won't be revisiting this juice. 1/5
Flavor: Very sweet and watermelon like, however it is a tad artificial. It has a candy like taste, envision a watermelon hard candy. I was hoping for a more organic juice, but it still remains
Aroma: Smells like tasty watermelon candy..could be a good or bad thing, depending on your expectation.
Inhale: Very sweet, it is artificially sweet, though. Instead of that semi-sweet, watermelon juiciness, it is candy-like. Not a bad thing, 'cause it's still pretty taste!
Exhale: The candy taste is still present, just not as pronounced.
Overall impression: Though it isn't a true fruit replication, it is a very sweet tasting juice, that I could definitely use throughout the day. It may be a bit too sweet to vape exclusively, but I definitely enjoy it! 4/5
Flavor: I was actually surprised at how organic the replication was. You've got hints of crumb pie, appe, and spicy cinnamon. The culmination results in a very rich, spicy sweet vaping experience. One could call it decadent, even.
Aroma: Spicy cinnamon pie. It smells just the way it tastes. Reminded me of warm cinnamon apple cider at Christmas time.
Inhale: Very sweet, it is artificially sweet, though. Instead of that semi-sweet, watermelon juiciness, it is candy-like. Not a bad thing, 'cause it's still pretty taste!
Exhale: The candy taste is still present, just not as pronounced.
Throat hit & vapor production: This juice affords a dense vapor, with one hell of a throat kick.
Overall impression: Though it isn't a true fruit replication, it is a very sweet tasting juice, that I could definitely use throughout the day. It may be a bit too sweet to vape exclusively, but I definitely enjoy it! 4/5!
Flavor: True to form, this is the definitive citrus vape. It encompasses all aspects of an orange and tangerine, with just the right amount of citrus-y bite.
Aroma: Smells like a fresh tangerine.
Inhal : Incredibly organic, it tastes just like a ripe orange. The inhale is almost a sour sweet, without compromising the integrity of the juice.
Exhal : Here is where I get a hint of tangerine, as it isn't as sweet as the inhale. A lot of the citrus like bite comes through on the exhale, compounded by the throat hit.
Throat hit & vapor production: Wispy vapor, similar to sweet tart in both composition and scent. Leaves a lingering citrus aroma The throat hit is spot on, not hard, but not weak either
Overall impression: This is a wonderful liquid with quite a bite. I think it would pair up nicely with a Blue Moon beer...I must get on that! 5/5!
Flavor: Tastes like a blueberry, yet it is quite muted. I noticed an absence of either quality you'd look for in a fruit juice; ripeness, and sweet taste. The flavor has neither, and I did run it through multiple atomizers.
Aroma: Smells like a ripened blueberry, but fails in transitioning this to the palate.
Inhale: Dull. I get a blueberry taste, yes, but as I pointed out, it is substantially muted. I anticipated a dark type of sweet, but was disappointed.
Exhale: Does not differ drastically from the inhale.
Throat hit & vapor production: The throat hit is subtle, however the vapor production is quite dense.
Overall impression: Could be better. Not a lot to write home about, it is a flat mix. Perhaps the fault rests on the 70/30 ratio, so I would like to try this in a 100 % vg mixture. 2/5
Flavor: With a name like Strawberry fields, I was expecting the definitive strawberry experience. Similar to raspberry I have yet to find a strawberry concoction that clicks. This, unfortunately, resides in that category. It tastes downright unpleasant, I simply can not vape it. It is not sweet, it is not organic. It tastes like a mushy strawberry, and what is both parts impressive and undesirabe, it manages to replicate the textrure of a mushy strawberry.
Aroma: It doesn't smell like a strawberry, I would be hard pressed describing the scent. To the best of my ability, I'd say it is comparable to a "field" of strawberries, all of which are far too ripe.
Inhale: On the inhale I got the overly ripe/mushy strawberry taste, and nothing else.
Exhale: This is where the odd "mushy" texture rears it's head. I had to pull back and question my atomizers integrity. I checked my wick, my coil, everything was fine. Had another vape, and it was no question....the juice is definitely off.
Throat hit & vapor production: It does have a nice throat hit, I'll give you that. It also creates quite the cloud.
Overall impression: This juice did not live up to expectation, and was truly unpleasant. I won't call a juice terrible, or bad, because they are all in their own right a work of art. The time and effort put into them is commendable, but some are better than others, obviously. I can't vape this juice, period, so it does get a 1/5.
Flavor: I'm a big fan of peach liquid and this is no slouch. I prefer peach liquid sweet, but not decidedly so, retaining an organic composition. This liquid definitely lives up to expectation, as it tastes just like a fresh, juicy peach. Sweet but not overbearing, organic, it is a true all day vape.
Aroma: Smells just like a peach plucked from a tree.
Inhale: The inhale is the highlight of this juice, as it is equal parts sweet and "fresh". Fresh may be a questionable descriptive word to use, but you will definitely understand if you get the chance to try it.
Exhale: The sweet taste of peach takes a backseat to the "fresh" like taste, rounding out the flavor and providing a fantastic flavor experience.
Throat hit & vapor production: The throat hit mellow, as preferred. I can't imagine something so tasty with a heavy hit, it might detract from the flavor. The vapor is airy and smells very sweet.
Overall impression: Add another win to the column! If I had to go out on a limb, I'd say peach is quite possibly my all-time favorite liquid of all. It's nice to find another alternative I can count on. 5/5!
Flavor: This is an interesting take on Pipe Tobacco. You've got the robust, smokey flavor you'd expect out of a pipe, with a toasted (?) pecan bite and subtle hint of maple. I am not a huge fan of tobacco flavors, yet, I found myself revisiting this juice earlier today. It is everything it claims to be, and for some, this could be a definitive pipe tobacco juice.
Aroma: Smells like a dark maple syrup.
Inhale: An intriguing mix of pipe tobacco and toasted pecans.
Exhale: The maple shines on the exhale, dominating the pecan taste. It's rich, but doesn't overpower the pipe tobacco flavor.
Throat hit & vapor production: Has a very punchy throat hit, which is great, considering I never had a mellow pipe tobacco. Produces nice vapor, with a nut scent.
Overall impression: I'm not a fan of pipe tobacco and if you follow my blog, you know this. I have to say however, this is definitely a better juice. I let a family remember rate it, considering they have a finer appreciation for tobacco than myself. They settled on a respectable 4/5.
Flavor: Tastes exactly like a fresh slice of melon. It takes a liberty no other honey dew liquid I've tired has; a sweet taste! Honey dew isn't typical sweet, and though it isn't overwhelmingly so, it is a great addition.
Aroma: Smells like a melon!
Inhale: A very accurate replication of a honey dew melon.
Exhale: The sweet factor rounds out the overall vape, leading to a satisfyingly delicious taste.
Throat hit & vapor production: The hit has a nice bite, which kind of surprised me, as I do prefer a more mellow sensation with fruit juice. The vapor was wispy and carried the aroma, leading to a room that smelt like a melon farm!
Overall impression: This flavor took me by surprise. I don't particularly care for honey dew eliquid, despite being a huge fan of the fruit. I have tried a variety of honey dew liquids, all to no avail. This, however, was quite the hit. I can definitely say I'd revisit this, as it is one of the few liquids that manage to pay proper homage to it's inspiration. 4/5.
Flavor: Well, it certainly tastes like cherry...cherry cough syrup. A tragic downfall really, but I can't say it's the first cherry flavor to suffer the fate.
Aroma: Smells like cherry cough syrup.
Inhale: Very bittersweet, absent of what makes a cherry, a cherry! Quite medicinal.
Exhale: Similarly medicinal, again, no hint of a fruit incarnation in the slightest.
Throat hit & vapor production: Hit like a truck, followed by an airy wisp of vapor.
Overall impression: This flavor was an unfortunate disappointment, but it seems cherry is a delicate mix to perfect. In their defense, every other cherry liquid has had a similar medicinal taste, so perhaps vendors need to a find a flavoring alternative. 1/5.
Flavor: Delightfully cream and TASTEFUL! The creamy vanilla taste was done a fantastic justice here, not much else to say.
Aroma: Smells sweet, sweet vanilla. Also happens to be my favorite scent, so take my word when I say it is true to form.
Inhale: Very rich and creamy. Equally sweet, but not in your face sweet. A delicate equilibrium.
Exhale: Quite similar to the inhale, no deviation really.
Throat hit & vapor production: Mellow, with a TON of vapor you'd expect from a dessert mix.
Overall impression: The hunt is over, folks. Vanilla was the very first e liquid I ever bought, and it promptly let me down. It had little to no flavor, and served as nothing more than a mixer. I'm happy to say I found a true vanilla vape, and will definitely revisit in the future. 5/5!
Outside of the juice, they also sent me an assortment of mini 510 atomizers. They are on clearence right now, 4.80 for a pack of five. They're great if you want to sample an extensive line of juice before committing it to a tank.

I'd like to thank them for the ProTank 2, a known favorite in the community. With a rebuilt coil, it isn't leaving my ProVari anytime soon. I'd also like to thank them or the drip tips, and the spare TrustFire charger. The drip tips are colorful, 510, and acrylic. Quite nice when I don't want a cold piece of steel pressed against my lips, and they look snazzy to boot. The trustfire is a tried and true charger, and will make for a great backup if my I2 ever fails on me.

I had a wonderful time sampling the flavors NorthWest Vapors afforded me and definitely plan to visit them again in the near future. With certain flavors such as vanilla, orange citrus, and apple crumb, I can say with complete certainty the competition is left in the dust. Do yourself favor and head over there, now! Use coupon code
NWVREV for 10% off!
Questions? Comments? You know the drill, fill out the form to your right and get in touch.
As always...vape strong and live long!