Saturday, July 25, 2015

Derringer RDA

Today, I'll be reviewing the Derring RDA, provided to me by Let's take a look at this compact RDA, shall we?


To be completely honest...this was the probably the biggest letdown. Instead of coming in a box, be it plastic, or display, the Derringer comes packaged in a tiny ziploc bag, with a hex key, a few Phillips screws, and the RDA itself. This isn't a knock on MBV, as I've read that this is how the v1.2 has been shipped out from pretty much everywhere. When you deal with authentic hardware, it's nice to feel that you purchased something worthy of the (often) heavy price tag - at 64.99, I expected a bit more than a plastic bag, but it's certainly not a deal breaker - just a let down. Also, Praxis....would it hurt to throw in a drip tip?! 

Build Quality

Now here is where authentic devices have a chance to shine! Immediately upon removing it from it's packaging, I was already floored- the Derringer is a looker, that's for sure. With it's ultra minimal design and incredibly compact form, this little RDA is definitely a stunner. I was initially skeptical, I had my doubts - I just couldn't get over the form factor. In person, however, it looks rather elegant, and when paired with similarly low profile mods, such as the Le Petit Gros in 18350 mode, it really shines.

The top cap sports the Praxis logo, and has a bit of heft to it. It's incredibly well machined, and slips on and off the deck with relative easy. The engravings are very well done, deep etchings, and they don't stand out - you know you have a Praxis product, but it's not shoved down your throat. It really adds to the minimal design. 

The Derringer sports a few airflow options, offering those who enjoy mouth to lung hits a ton of restrictive options, and for your lung hits, I'd say it is comparable to that of the Tobh. This is by no means a cloud chasing RDA, and to do so is downright foolish - while you can get some respectable clouds from higher gauge wire, anything super-sub ohm is just not fun. The condensed top cap and small frame lead to an extremely hot vape, if you're trying anything crazy. The inner barrel, which controls your air flow, is totally adjustable, and lets you dial in just what you want the Derringer to do - whether that be to flavor chase, or pull of some surprisingly impressive clouds (I found my go-to 7 wrap, 26g dual coil lead to fairly dense clouds, that were warm, but not blisteringly hot!)

The deck itself is incredibly well done as well. With such a small design, you'd be a fool to expect a deep juice well....right? While not nearly as deep as some of the other RDAs on the market (such as the Mutation X, Magma, Troll, etc) it is exceptional, size considered. I found myself not having to drip as often as I thought I would, but still more than I would normally. 

The deck itself is very well done, too. It features your standard three post design, and hex drive heads (When did this become a thing, and can it please stop?) The post holes are slotted, and while you may not be able to cram low gauge twisted builds into them, I was able to run dual 24g coils just fine. I've read online that the center-post tends to spin or wobble, and thankfully, after 8 or so builds, I've yet to deal with this issue. The deck can be a little tricky to build on if you're spoiled by easier to build RDAs, such as the Mutation and Plume Veil line, but it shortly becomes second nature after the initial period of adjustment...but maybe that's me, because frankly, I am no good at building on three post this day!

The Derringer is constructed from US 303 Grade Stainless Steel, machined incredibly well, and all the interchangeable parts (AFC ring, barrel, top cap) come on and off with ease. I believe it retailed quite a bit more than it does currently (at) 64.99, and had I purchased it at the higher price point, I would've been satisfied with the craftsmanship. It is definitely what I'd come to expect from an authentic.


Good construction and a respectable design can only take you so far - it must perform as well as it looks, right? In my honest opinion, in the right hands, this thing can generate INCREDIBLE flavor. The vortex airflow and condensed top cap can produce notes in a juice you either long forgot, or didn't know even existed - this is true, believe me. With the wrong build, however, the Derringer can turn into a fire chucking monster - not literally of course, but it puts off incredibly hot vapor. I prefer a warm vape, but I was able to get downright chest-caving coughing fits from this (my fault - please do NOT do a parallel 24g dual coil build. I warned you.....put that wire away!!) 

If you respect the design, and build to it's nature, you can get an incredibly satisfying experience from the Derringer. I guess you could say that about all RDAs, but the trend lately is versatility - in my upcoming Mutation V4 review, I'll be touching on how you can chase flavor, clouds, a combo of both, lung hit, mouth hit,... it is versatile. I wouldn't call the Derringer one dimensional, but I do personally believe your options are limited if you're looking to achieve the quality that it is capable of.

Overall, I believe 64.99 is a fantastic price for this wonderful, authentic, dripper. It deserves a place in everyone's rotation, be it as a daily driver, flavor chaser, or just a nice show-piece. You just can't top the sleekness when paired with an 18350, or small box mod. It's just too sexy.

Questions? Comments? Be sure to fill out the comment form, e-mail me. I like hearing what my readers think, and I am always looking to improve my work!

Disclaimer: The opinions contained in this review are those of the reviewer, and are in no way, shape or form to be used to endorse any other products or to defame the company by any means. The company, product and service names used in this web site are for identification purposes only. All hardware and liquid reviewed were provided for review purposes, and review purposes only. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Any third party comments/reviews published on the site (whether edited or not) are third party information for which takes no responsibility and disclaims all liability. 

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