Hello everybody! Today, I'll be going over the Mutation V4 by Indulgence, provided to me by SmokenMist
It seems the good guys at Indulgence are reinventing the wheel once again, with another reiteration of the ultra-popular Mutation RDA. The V4 has some awesome new additions, yet doesn't stray from the original design - it features a four post deck, 18 airholes on each side, adjustable airflow control and it's original, authentic, and affordable. Let's take at look at some quick specifications before we break it down.
- 22mm Diameter
- 304 SS construction
- Diamond Airflow Holes
- Bottom feed airflow holes routed underneath coils
- Adjustable airflow control
- 18 airholes (9 on each side)
- 4 post design
- Negative posts milled to deck
- Deep juice well
- Huge post holes
Well....whats new?!?
The Mutation V4 features an assortment of modifications, with the biggest being it's new, revolutionary airflow design. The 18 holes have been slightly modified this time around in the shape of a diamond, to encourage the vapor to form a sort of vortex, leading to a lot more flavor, and a lot more vapor. The V4 is the first in the Mutation line to feature bottom feed airflow holes, which are located on the upper part of the deck. When your coils are positioned directly over these airflow holes, air is pulled up and over the coil, leading to an increased vapor production. The V4 has a ton of airflow configuration settings, thanks to this new bottom-fed airflow design. It truly redefines versatility, as the V4 can be taken from a super subohm cloud chaser, to your daily flavor chaser. It does, in fact, do it all. Let's get to the review!
I have always been a fan of the Mutation V4 packaging. This RDA comes packaged in a nice little box, which contains the V4, some replacement o-rings, screws, and the blue screwdriver of screw stripping death. Inside, you'll also fine a 510 drip tip adapter, some plugs for the bottom airflow (if you can't figure out how to NOT OVER DRIP) and a nifty plastic extension piece. It's presentation is subtle, and somewhat minimal, but it's nice to have all this stuff when some authentic devices do not even come with a drip tip, much less a box.
Outside of the very first Mutation, I have yet to be disappointed by Indulgence and their forthcoming iterations. The deck is constructed of 304 stainless steel, and it is machined incredibly well. The post holes are very clean, very large, and the posts themselves extremely rigid. The negative posts are milled into the deck, with the positive block secured by the 510 pin. I have thrown some pretty wire heavy builds in here, specifically a quad 22g (please use caution when trying builds like this, and be aware of your battery and device limits!) and double twisted 24g wire, and after plenty of torquing, I could not get the block to spin.
The O-rings on the base are incredibly snug, and the top cap slides on and off with extreme ease. The airflow control is machined just as well, however the end pieces of the blades are extremely sharp, so be cautious when doing cleaning this piece, as it can nick you if you aren't mindful. The drip is delrin, and wide bore - while not as huge as a chuff, or the V3s included drip tip, it still does a fantastic job of cooling the vapor, and pushing the clouds. The 510 adapter works as it should, allowing you to utilize a range of standard drip-tips, an option that wasn't available in previous versions(unless you purchased the adapter separately)
Overall, the Mutation V4 is what you'd come to expect from Indulgence - a solid, well built device, with features you'd see in an authentic, for a fraction of the price. It is still amazing that Indulgence is able to produce and sell these RDAs, which are in my opinion, best in class, for the price (sub-29.99). They continue to show the market that originality and affordability should NOT cost an arm and a leg.
This is where the V4 shines. Comparing it to previous versions, you can expect more of the same. Thanks to the wide bore tip and the 18 hole air flow configuration, the Mutation V4 reigns king in the airflow department. For all you cloud chasers, this is one RDA that belongs in your rotation - it is simply best in class.
The Mutation has caught flack, however, due to the previous versions inability to really chase flavor. Indulgence has downsized the drip tip, and not only due to the slightly redesigned angular blades and now diamond shaped air flow holes, they have introduced bottom-airflow options.
The bottom airflow is completely adjustable - below the coil are three holes, which when in use, pull air from underneath and than over the coil, leading to increased airflow. To adjust it, the outside of the deck features 3 holes, from big, medium, to small. Similar to how you would adjust the standard airflow, turning the top cap (not the airflow blades) can cut off the big hole, the small, the medium, or create a combination of both - for instance, for my flavor chasing build, I have 6 of the diamond holes closed, with half of the middle bottom
open, and the entire small hole open. This creates a tighter, more restrictive draw than can really utilize the bottom-airflow and vortex to create flavor that many thought the Mutation was unable to do!
Another nice addition is the optional plastic extension pieces. This see through extension is screwed into the base of the drip tip, and forms a bridge to speak, between the tip and the chamber. This creates a cooling affect for those of you who run very low, very hot sub-ohm builds. I have tested it with some of the hotter builds (quad 22g, looking at you) and while it doesn't completely negate any heat, it does cool it down to a very noticeable degree.
With that said, I have read people that people do have trouble with leaking. It's no surprise that the occasional oversight can lead to some extra juice finding it's way into the bottom airflow and seeping out at the base. I have found one very reliable way to combat this.
Don't overdrip. I know, captain obvious over here, but it is true. When you utilize the bottom air flow, dripping normally can lead to juice running off the wick and into the holes, coming out of the 510, or at the base. If you want to utilize the bottom airflow, instead of dripping as you normally would, you need to paint the wick. Drip alongside the cotton, but be mindful to not completely saturate the juice well. One way to combat this is by utilizing a "z" wick, (Thanks to whoever shared this on Reddit!) pictured below.
Simple, right? I have yet to suffer from anything other than the occasional leak due to dripping too much - something you can actually control, but it does happen. Another great way to prevent this is by utilizing the plugs found in the box - they are plastic pieces that plug up the bottom airflow. You do lose a lot of the versatility that the V4 offers, but it will allow you to run your standard builds, that you may or may not find leak more in the V4 than say, the V3.
Overall, I am impressed with the Mutation V4. It is everything I've come to expect from Indulgence with just the right amount of re-imagining. I'm a big fan of the bottom airflow, and the reduced bore drip trip, as I no longer have to swap out my Mutation when I want to utilize flavorful builds. I'd wager than not only is the Mutation V4 one of the most versatile RDAs on the market, but that you'd be hard pressed finding another one that is authentic, exceptionally well built, and downright affordable. The V4 is without a doubt a home run, and I expect nothing less from Indulgence.
Do yourself a favor and pick one up today from Smokenmist by following this link - I have scoured the internet, and at 24.75, this is got to be the best price on the market.
Thank you for taking the time to read my review, and get in touch - I love hearing from my readers, and I'm always looking to improve my work, website, and everything in between. Stay vaping, people.