Hello everybody! Today, I'll be sharing my thoughts on the Kanger SubTank that MtBakerVapor graciously gave me the opportunity to do so! Lets get to it!
The Kanger Sub Tank is
KangerTechs answer to the
Aspire Atlantis - sub-ohm capability in a clearomizer....but their's
more. One thing the
Atlantis lacks is a rebuidable section - something that the Sub Tank has, and executes
well. Users have the option of using pre included coils ohming in at 0.5 and 1.2, or you can build your own coil, kayfun style. Many are wondering who came out on top - the
Atlantis or the Kangertech. Personally, they both have their flaws, but one thing is sure - vaping is evolving, and the advancements we're seeing are pretty kickass. Let's go over the tank.
Kanger SUBTANK Clearomizer
Thread Type: 510
Tank Capacity: 6ml
RBA Capacity: 4.2ml
Tank Material: Glass tub and Stainless Steel
What I like most about the packaging is that this thing is packaged beautifully - immediately upon removing it from the envelope, I knew I had a quality piece of hardware. I wish I could show off the internals and how neatly everything was tucked away, but come on guys - I tore into this thing! The box is
gigantic. Inside, you'll find
x1 Subtank
x1 0.5 ohm OCC (organic cotton coil)
x1 1.2 ohm OCC (organic cotton coil)
x1 RBA coil
x1 RBA connector
x1 1 screwdriver
x2 screws
x1 manual
AND some organic Japanese cotton!
To be brief, the contents are packaged securely, the manual is surprisingly well written, and the overall packaging just exudes quality.
Build Quality
Sub Tank is built like, well.. a tank. The 25mm version is pretty hefty, what with it being completely stainless steel. The tank boasts some incredibly thick pyrex, and although I'd advise you never drop it, something tells me it could withstand a fall or two better than previous
KangerTech tanks. The upper glass is secured by a glaringly red o-ring, something you will love or completely hate. The bottom is secured by threading into the base which seats your coil, and personally I think these are some very, very well machined threads.
One slight drawback is that the base of the Sub Tank clocks in at 25mm - it will not sit flush on your standard 18650 modes, but it does look incredibly sleek on a majority of boxes, as well as 26650 mods. The 510 is spring loaded, and I recommend staying away from hybrid connections - I fried a battery by trying to use it in hybrid mode, and although it could have been a fluke, I will not be taking the chance again.
RTA top-portion

If you wish to use it in clearomizer mode, simply remove the base, and install your coil. If you wish to use it in RTA mode, you must unscrew the upper portion of the tank, and install the shorter version built to accompany the chimney and deck of the RTA section. The screws thread in and out easily, but they are pretty cheap - quality screwdrivers only. The included RTA section is than threaded into the same place you would install your coil. The
RTA deck itself feels incredibly sturdy, with well machined juice wells. The chimney, however, is kind of thin for stainless - though I have yet to have a problem threading it, I'd recommend caution and a light hand - I can definitely see it seizing with too much force. I'd also like to mention that you should probably pickup some knurled screws, as I had very little success trapping wire thinner than 26g - the included screws are just too small.

One thing I would like to point out - and this is the only negative thing I have to say about the device - is that the included manufacturer coils are indeed chrome plated brass. It goes without saying it is a cost cutting method, entirely stainless steel coils just aren't practical - however for safety reasons, exercise caution. Brass may contain lead, and lead + acidic juice + high temperatures = not a good time. I was able to reveal the brass with a screw driver, but over the course of two weeks noticed no chips in the chrome otherwise. I would definitely recommend routine examination of your coil in between top ups, discarding it if you see any of the plating flaking off. Is it dangerous? Well, the studies aren't out, and we have yet to see ANY case of lead poisoning...but it's better to be safe, than sorry!
Performance (clearomizer)
clearomizer mode is probably my favorite setting. Essentially, the concept is as simple any other bottom coil tank. You unscrew the base, fill up, and install your coil...similar to the pro tank 2, 3, aero tank, etc. Who would've thought that after getting into mechanicals and dripping, I'd find myself with a kanger tank?
Let me just say....it kicks ass. The
clearomizer section holds 6ml of juice. It has three airflow settings, and although the widest setting is just a bit tighter than the Atlantis, it still can chuck some pretty impressive vapor. I found that even though air flow was a bit restricted, the flavor was out of this world - thanks to the organic cotton nestled inside the coil. It has an incredibly pure taste, so much so that I began to like juice I previously couldn't stand in other tanks!

I prefer the 1.2 ohm coil, at 22.5 watts it is a great balance of vapor and flavor production. I found that the 0.5 ohm had to be run at a similar setting, not able to handle much power. I managed to get a few burnt hits around 32-35 watts, so make sure to stay under 30. On the other side, it's great for those looking to conserve their battery, as it isn't as "power hungry" as the atlantis.
What I like most about the clearomizer setting is with such a large capacity, it is easy to fill it up and take it with you when you can't drip - running errands, driving, etc. This thing + my
Cana 30w is a god send in traffic, saving me from every having to drip at a red light again! I love the fact that I can leave it in my car, hop it, and be good to vape. I'd also like to mention it has not yet leaked a DROP of e-liquid, something I was surprisingly impressed by.
To be perfecting honestly, this thing is revolutionary. To think that just last year, most of us were using the iClear 30, evod, pro tank 2, etc. It's remarkable how fast the industry has evolved!
Performance (RTA mode)

Just when you thought it couldn't get any better, the Sub
Tank also capitalized on the RTA craze, providing a seperate deck that allows the user to build and install their own coils! It performs very similar to a Kayfun - the deck has a positive and negative terminal, with the coil leads being "trapped" under each wire. I will go out and say I absolutely hate building like this, it is a royal pain in the ass, but that's just me - I was never good at building kayfuns. Once you have your coil installed, you than feed your cotton through, saturate it, making sure not to block your juice channels. Than, you take the RTA "cover" and screw it atop the base - ensuring that no part of your coil touches it - and than install your chimney. In order to use the
RTA base, you must remove the top section of the Sub Tank and install the smaller portion, which is as simply as unscrewing and screwing two screws. Essentially, this works works like so
Coil is installed, tank is full. Your wick rests above the wells, and as you vape, the positive pressure inside the tank changes, pulling juice to the wick. When you stop, the vacuum that you created pulls the liquid back to the tank. Essentially. I personally recommend you look up a video on proper building/
wicking technique, as it can be tricky - with higher VG juice, I had trouble with dry hits.
Fortunately (for me) this isn't a building tutorial - once I got a good build going (I personally found my favorite setup to be twisted 28g wire, 8 wrap, wicked with organic cotton) this thing performed as well, if not better, than any kayfun I've ever had. When you get it going, it wicks incredibly well, and dry hits become a thing of the past - though it is a lot easier if you use a 60/40 vg/pg juice, or 50/50 - it can struggle with max VG.

The flavor is incredibly robust, bringing out notes in juice I couldn't detect before. It does have restricted air flow, but I was able to comfortably do lung inhales without too much trouble. I did have to keep it wide open, as anything less was a bit uncomfortable for me. To those of you who enjoy the kayfun experience, you will feel right at home with the Sub Tank - it performs as you'd expect an RTA too, chucking out tons of flavor, and respectable clouds. I kind of wish it had a larger capacity, but honestly it wasn't too much of a hassle. Refilling is done by unscrewing the base, which is great, because I hate messing around with leaky fill ports. In RTA mode, it did leak once, but it was my fault - make absolutely SURE the screws that hold the top portion of the tank are completely secure, or you will loose pressure and have a bad time.
Overall, the
subtank was a very pleasant surprise - Aspire shook the world up, but thanks to their vision, us consumers are subjected to innovation at nearly every corner, with the Sub Tank being at the fore front of just that. It's sleek, it's a quality device, and it isn't overly complicated. In clearomizer mode, it performs wonderfully, and in RTA mode it is equally impressive. I love that Kanger included the RTA base, as it provides a huge variety in one small package. I do wish that they would get rid of the damn brass, 'cause if they did, they'd have one of the absolute best pieces of vaping hardware on the market. Do I recommend a purchase?
Are you looking for moderate airflow, great flavor, and respectable vapor from a clearomizer?
Are you looking for a quality built tank?
Are you looking for something to use when you can't drip, something for when you're on the go?
If you answered yes to any of those questions, it's a no brainer - pick this thing up TODAY. Just please, PLEASE keep an eye on those coils - routinely inspect the chrome for chipping, and if it does, discard it. It may not hurt you, but it is better to not take the risk!
www.mtbakervapor.com has it in stock for 38.99, and you can use coupon code VAPOCALYTPIC for an additional 10% off. What are you waiting for?! GO GET ONE!